5 Ways We Can Fix Vancouver’s Real Estate Market

Vancouver’s real estate market has long been a topic of intense debate and concern, characterized by skyrocketing prices and a significant affordability crisis. Addressing these issues requires comprehensive and innovative solutions. Here are five serious strategies that could help fix Vancouver’s real estate market and make housing more accessible for all residents.

1. Implement Stricter Regulations on Foreign Investments

One of the most discussed factors contributing to Vancouver’s housing affordability crisis is the impact of foreign investments. While international investments can be beneficial for economic growth, they have also been linked to inflated property prices, making it harder for locals to afford homes.


  • Stricter Taxes and Regulations: Implementing stricter taxes on foreign buyers, such as increased property transfer taxes, and enforcing regulations to prevent speculative purchases can help.
  • Transparency in Ownership: Requiring full transparency about property ownership will help track and control foreign investment flows.

2. Increase Affordable Housing Supply

A critical aspect of addressing the housing crisis is increasing the supply of affordable housing. This can be achieved through various means, including incentivizing developers and utilizing government resources.


  • Incentives for Developers: Provide tax breaks and subsidies for developers who build affordable housing units.
  • Government-Led Projects: Increase investment in public housing projects to ensure a steady supply of affordable homes.
  • Zoning Reforms: Reform zoning laws to allow for higher-density developments, particularly in underutilized areas.

3. Introduce Vacancy Taxes and Levies

Properties left vacant for long periods contribute to housing shortages and inflate property values. Introducing vacancy taxes can discourage this practice and encourage property owners to either rent out or sell their properties.


  • Vacancy Taxes: Implement and enforce higher taxes on vacant properties to incentivize owners to put them on the market.
  • Short-Term Rental Regulations: Regulate short-term rental platforms like Airbnb to ensure that housing units are available for long-term residents rather than tourists.

4. Enhance Public Transportation and Infrastructure

Improving public transportation and infrastructure can help disperse the demand for housing more evenly across the metropolitan area, reducing pressure on the city’s core and making outlying areas more attractive and accessible.


  • Transit-Oriented Development: Invest in expanding and enhancing public transit networks, encouraging development around transit hubs to create more desirable and connected neighborhoods.
  • Infrastructure Improvements: Upgrade infrastructure in suburban and peripheral areas to improve livability and reduce the concentration of demand in central Vancouver.

5. Promote Cooperative and Community Housing Models

Exploring alternative housing models such as cooperative housing and community land trusts can provide sustainable and affordable housing options for residents.


  • Cooperative Housing: Support the development of housing cooperatives, where residents collectively own and manage their housing, reducing costs and fostering community.
  • Community Land Trusts: Establish and support community land trusts, which hold land in trust for the community and ensure that housing remains affordable for future generations.

Addressing Vancouver’s real estate market challenges requires a multifaceted approach that includes regulatory reforms, increasing affordable housing supply, discouraging speculative practices, improving infrastructure, and promoting alternative housing models. By implementing these serious strategies, Vancouver can work towards a more balanced and accessible housing market, ensuring that all residents have the opportunity to find and afford a place to call home.


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